Profile PictureTheascendingman

Complete looksmaxing blueprint guide

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Complete looksmaxing blueprint guide



You cannot imagine how many direct messages I receive a week, wanna know the most asked question?

"Hey man what do you think I should do based on my current appearance to looksmax".

Sends me selfie

I get dozens and dozens, all very similar. .

The fact of the matter is i'm more than happy to help every single person that asks. . .

Unfortunately I simply cannot call and speak to everyone due to the sheer numbers!

The sad thing is that so many guys are simply uneducated on just how much they can change their appearance and have no Idea where to start based on their current look.

Thinking that they look in the mirror and will forever look the same. . .

Losing faith and confidence because other people are looksmaxing faster then them. . .

Jealous of how their peers look and the success they have with women based on their appearance. . .

The beautiful thing about these questions is the REALISATION. Once you come to terms with your looks you are ahead of 95% of the population.

That's exactly why I made this blueprint. .

Within 15 minutes of reading it you will know precisely the exact looksmaxing methods you should be using based on your exact look.

A Small insight at what's inside:

  • Clear and cut out instructions to start increasing your looks starting immediately.
  • Strategic examples of famous faces to compare to yourself and see exactly how much potential you have.
  • Multiple looks mixing tools and accessories specifically recommended to your needs + easy access within document.
  • Deep open minded realisations to give you immense motivation looking into the future.
  • A complete overview of the type of person you are and what methods will best suit you.
  • Includes advice for those in all backgrounds, sizes and progressions.

I've never seen a guide like this before and i'm happy to admit it's gone down very well with those who had the pre release. . .


No one is left unspoken for.

In fact i've included some quite controversial knowledge based upon a certain looksmaxing technique that I do NOT think everyone should be doing.

I've continued to learn and have a very well rounded opinion on what's best for each person based on their current position in their looksmaxing journey.

This guide won't showcase how to change your face directly. . .

(My other guides do)

But it will precisely point you in the right direction and perhaps even cut some corners in your pursuit of a better looking appearance.

The roadmap is right in front of you, I hope it serves you well.

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24 pages
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